Established in 2000, our company is a joint venture with Japan Americo Steel Inc., a leading Japanese steel corporation, International Hotel Constructors China IBC and Q Group International Inc. Our factory covers 142,000 square meters, over 55,000 square meters under roof, with 5 workshops, 3 warehouses, and 1 office building. We have 6 cold-form machine product lines, 4 press brake machines, 3 100MT punch machines, 2 30MT punch machines, and 3 deck-plate product lines.

With this equipment, we can supply standardized components that can be assembled into hundreds of shapes and sizes. Prefab engineering is typically used in offices, factories, remote facilities, hotels, and housing. Departments are divided into the prefab itself, installation, disassembly, transportation, and optional finish.

Our most popular items are steel house frames, studs, joints, truss wall systems, prefabricated relocatable modular buildings, metal accessories, steel bearing flooring, deck plates, and ASI brand steel framing. Our systems are most popular in China and abroad because of the Japanese design, quality control, new technology, and durability. Besides China , our products sell well in Japan , Europe, the Middle East, South and Latin America .

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Q Group International will be handling all of the marketing globally and is currently setting up further distribution networks in Canada and South America . Q Group International may be contacted via their subsidiary company, ISOPOD IBC HK, for which contact information may be found at .

We also have a fully qualified internationally trained architectural staff and are able to modify or custom design to any required specifications. Our modular ISOPOD™ units can be delivered as stock units in as little as 9 weeks to the Port of Shanghai, depending on any required modifications.


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